ABC News Breakfast, ABC2 – Response to the Guide to the proposed Basin Plan

  WALEED ALY: The Murray-Darling Basin Authority announced on Friday that it wants to cut overall water allocations along the river by between 27 to 37 per cent. But the Opposition says the Plan will destroy some regional communities that rely on irrigated agriculture. Senator Simon Birmingham is the Opposition’s spokesman for the Murray-Darling and he…

Media conference (Joyce-Birmingham), Parliament House – Release of the Guide to the proposed Basin Plan

  BARNABY JOYCE: First of all, thank you very much for being here. I acknowledge from the start the impediments that have been placed before the fourth estate on this one, how ludicrous it is that we’ve had separate lock-ups. This is not the fault of the Commission [Authority], it’s the fault of the Labor Government. In this new,…

PM Agenda, Sky News Australia – release tomorrow of the Guide to the Proposed Basin Plan

  KIERAN GILBERT: Now for the Coalition perspective I’m joined by the Parliamentary Secretary (sic), the Coalition’s spokesman for the Murray-Darling Basin, Senator Simon Birmingham. Senator, thank you for your time on PM Agenda. The irrigators, as you’ve heard, are really, really concerned, environmentalists are positive about what they’ve seen thus far in the leaked reports…

Lunchtime Agenda, Sky News Australia – 43rd Parliament, Government’s Climate Change Committee

  ASHLEIGH GILLON: Joining me today on this historic day of the first day of the 43rd Parliament we have the Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham, good afternoon to you.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good afternoon, Ashleigh.   ASHLEIGH GILLON: And the Greens Senator Scott Ludlam, hello.    SCOTT LUDLAM: G’day.   ASHLEIGH GILLON: So first day…