Speech – Australia China Business Council networking day, Canberra

26 June 2019   Thank you very much John for that welcome.  Ambassador Cheng thank you for your remarks before and your attendance and participation here today.  Ambassador-designate Fletcher, welcome and congratulations on your appointment.  Helen, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.  Good morning, welcome to Canberra for many of you.  I begin by acknowledging and…

‘Leaders on Asia’ Keynote Address, Asia Society, Sydney – ‘Five years of strengthening Australia through trade and investment’

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Thank you very much Philippa for that welcome and indeed to you and your team for hosting us today and you for your commitment and engagement as leaders within Asia Society. To Doug Ferguson, Phillip, the team from Asia Society, I appreciate your hospitality but more importantly your thought and leadership in this…

Remarks at Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA) Signing Ceremony, Jakarta

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Your Excellency Mr Vice President, thank you for honouring us with your presence today. Excellencies, Ministers, Ambassador, my parliamentary colleague and predecessor as Minister, Steve Ciobo, distinguished leaders of business, industry. Good morning, selamat pagi.   This is an historic occasion. The signing of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement brings our two…

Bruegel Institute Event, Brussels

The 18th century was a turning point for Australia. European exploration across the South Pacific, in particular of the east coast of our great Southern land, ultimately led to European settlement. Subsequent, successive waves of migrants from across Europe and around the world have joined with the first, indigenous Australians to build our modern nation.…