Doorstop interview, Adelaide – Labor’s delayed National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout in South Australia

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM:  Labor has at every opportunity taken the chance to raise the hype and expectation surrounding its NBN in South Australia, especially at last year’s federal election where it was a cornerstone of their campaign. What we see now, though, are delays, cost blowouts and uncertainty. While the Coalition believes there is a better way,…


5MU – Murray-Darling Basin Plan delays

  CHRIS LEWIS:  [Barnaby Joyce, Shadow Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Water] … does have a sense of humour regarding this new delay for the release of the draft Murray-Darling Basin Plan. He reckons it’s now a race between who comes first – Santa or the draft Basin Plan. I mean, this Plan’s been put…


AM Agenda, Sky News Australia – Disability care and support, Labor’s Malaysian people swap, Senator Wong’s announcement

  KIERAN GILBERT:  With me this morning, now, we’ve got the Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change, Mark Dreyfus, and from Adelaide the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment, Senator Simon Birmingham. Gentlemen, good morning to you both.   MARK DREYFUS: Morning, Kieran. Morning, Simon.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Morning, Kieran. Morning, Mark.   KIERAN GILBERT: Fellas, I want to ask you both…
