The World Today, ABC Radio – Water management

  SABRA LANE: Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham was the Chairman for much of the Senate inquiry, he’s also the Opposition’s spokesman on the Murray-Darling Basin.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: It’s worth highlighting it was a bipartisan report supported by Liberal and Labor Senators and the like…   SABRA LANE: The Senate inquiry made four recommendations, the…


PM Agenda, Sky News Australia – release tomorrow of the Guide to the Proposed Basin Plan

  KIERAN GILBERT: Now for the Coalition perspective I’m joined by the Parliamentary Secretary (sic), the Coalition’s spokesman for the Murray-Darling Basin, Senator Simon Birmingham. Senator, thank you for your time on PM Agenda. The irrigators, as you’ve heard, are really, really concerned, environmentalists are positive about what they’ve seen thus far in the leaked reports…


891 ABC Adelaide – Labor reshuffle, appointment of Don Farrell as Water Parliamentary Secretary

  DAVID BEVAN: Simon Birmingham is your Shadow, he’s the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Murray Darling Basin. Good morning, Simon Birmingham …   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Good morning David, Matt, Don, congratulations on the appointment. There’s just one thing I want to raise guys…   DON FARRELL: Thank you, Simon.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: … just one…
