EPBC Act – Adjournment Speech

SENATOR BIRMINGHAM: (South Australia) (16:53): This matter of public importance has been nominated by the Australian Greens. When we look at matters of public importance sometimes we need to look at their tone at the very outset, before we get into the detail. Today we are discussing the Gillard government’s plans, at the upcoming COAG…


MPI – Gillard Government

SENATOR BIRMINGHAM: (South Australia) (16:42): I rise to speak on this matter of public importance. Ten minutes is nowhere near long enough to go through the systematic government waste and incompetence of the Rudd and Gillard governments. Ten minutes is nowhere near long enough to go through even the systematic government waste and incompetence exposed…


Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development) Bill 2012 – 2nd Reading

SENATOR BIRMINGHAM: (South Australia): (12:37):I trust that is due respect being shown to the chair from the other side of the chamber. It is a pleasure to speak on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development) Bill 2012. I assure the chamber…


Adjournment Speech – Senator M J Fisher

SENATOR BIRMINGHAM (South Australia) (02:41): I rise to speak in this adjournment debate about a very dear colleague of ours, Senator Mary Jo Fisher. This is the last sitting day that Mary Jo will be a member of this place. That is very sad for all of us and, of course, very sad for Mary…


Document reagrding Murray-Darling Basin Plan

SENATOR BIRMINGHAM: (South Australia) (17:13): I seek leave to move a motion in relation to the response by the Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities regarding the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Leave granted. SENATOR BIRMINGHAM: I move: That the Senate take note of the document. This is a brief response from the minister to…


Treaties Report 126 – Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement

SENATOR BIRMINGAM: (South Australia) (17:31): On behalf of the Chair of Joint Standing Committee on Treaties I present the 126th report on Treaty relating to the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement tabled on 21 November 2011. In taking note of this report on the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement-or ACTA, as it has become known-which was tabled in the…
