Desperate Labor risks destructive deals with the Greens

This week the risk of the Albanese Labor Government doing destructive deals with the Greens is enormous.   Many of Anthony Albanese’s big spending bills are stalled, making the government even more desperate as it tries to clear the decks for a possible early election.   Labor should rule out an avalanche of billion-dollar, economy…

About Simon

Simon Birmingham has served as a Liberal Party Senator for South Australia since May 2007 and is the current Leader of the Opposition in the Senate. Under the Morrison Government  Simon was appointed to position of Minister for Finance and Leader of the Government in the Senate after serving as Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment. Prior to which he served as the Minister for Education and Training, Assistant Minister in the education portfolio and before that as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Murray-Darling Basin and the Environment.



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Mahsa Amini Day

Joint media release: Senator Claire Chandler, Shadow Assistance Minister for Foreign Affairs 16 September 2024…

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