Reports on the summoning of Israeli Ambassador

It would be an outrageous abandonment of a democratic friend and partner if the Albanese Government is telling Israel not to defend itself against attacks from Hezbollah. Hezbollah is a listed terrorist organisation in Australia which repeatedly ignores previous undertakings by indiscriminately firing rockets aiming to kill Israelis and displacing thousands from their homes. We…


Senate inquiry to review Australia’s sanctions framework

Today, the Coalition has successfully established a Senate inquiry to review Australia’s sanctions framework and consider how Australia’s sanctions regime could better align with key partners and allies. Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Birmingham said as other like-minded partners forge ahead with applying critical sanctions on terrorist groups, rogue actors, criminals or those that…


Canada’s terrorist listing of IRGC demands Australian action

Joint media release Senator James Paterson, Shadow Minister for Home Affairs Senator Claire Chandler, Shadow Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs The Coalition welcomes the Canadian Government’s decision to list the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist entity and again urges the Albanese Government to take similar action. The Canadian Government’s action stands in…


Steele Hall

Steele Hall was legend of South Australian politics. Steele stands tall in the history of our state and the Liberal Party as a reformer, an orator and a man of principle willing to stand by his values. As both a state and federal Member of Parliament and a Senator, Steele transcended state and federal politics…


35th anniversary of Tiananmen Square

35 years ago in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square, peaceful protests were ended by a shameful use of Chinese military force. Australia remembers the tragic loss of life on 4 June 1989 and we continue to call upon Chinese authorities to accept responsibility. The Coalition remains deeply concerned about continuing and increasing constraints on freedom of association,…
