(Matthew Abraham: Good morning … Is Malcolm Turnbull dead in the water?) Absolutely not, Malcolm Turnbull has had a very good win, a win in terms of taking the Liberal Party forward into the future, as a party that stands for action on climate change and as a party that has negotiated an outcome on an emissions trading scheme that will save thousands of jobs while guaranteeing that Australia can play its role in a global solution. (David Bevan: What do you expect will happen today?) Today I expect that we will move forward to implement the decision that the joint party room and the Liberal Party decided on yesterday and that decision was to accept the negotiated position on the emissions trading Scheme and we will see those amendments put through the Senate and I imagine we will see the ETS legislated, but legislated in a far more responsible manner than what the Rudd Government has proposed in a manner that will save thousands of jobs, guarantee environmental action and take us forward in a positive way into the future. (Bevan: … and yet you’ve got a Party which is saying that it is evenly divided? We’ve just got off the phone from Alan Ferguson and he says it was a call that Malcolm Turnbull was entitled to make but he believes that he got it wrong. That’s effectively what he’s saying that the party was evenly divided over this, there was not a clear majority in support of going ahead.) We had a robust debate, a very long and robust debate. We spent all day yesterday in meetings discussing this. Basically every member of the Liberal and National Parties had their chance either in shadow Cabinet or the Party Room to express their view. There are a range of views and I respect the fact that people like Fergie, a good friend and colleague, have a different view than I on this issue and indeed some have indicated that they may cross the floor. That’s one of those great Liberal traditions that we hold dear, I hold dear personally and (Abraham: What, is that the great Liberal tradition of disunity, Simon Birmingham?) It’s a tradition that we respect the fact that our Members of Parliament have a capacity to think for themselves, Matthew, it’s something that the Labor Party doesn’t have, you get tossed out in the Labor Party if you have a different viewpoint, in the Liberal Party we’ll respect the fact that if some choose to cross the floor, that’s part of the diversity of views that exist… (Abraham: Simon Birmingham, the problem seems to be, from conversations we’ve had and what we’ve read, that there wasn’t a clear vote in the Party Room. There wasn’t a vote because Party Rooms don’t have a vote Malcolm Turnbull made a call and that call is now being hotly disputed.) Malcolm heard the views of every person who wished to speak, which was I think essentially everybody in the Shadow Cabinet and the Party Room yesterday. He listened to them all carefully, he kept a tally of them, he’s confident there is a majority, a very clear majority of Liberals in particular, who support the position of going forward and that’s the call he’s made. It’s, I believe, the right call. It ensures that we are saving thousands of jobs and that Australia won’t ultimately find itself burdened with a flawed and job-destroying emissions trading scheme that the Rudd Government was proposing in the first place. (Bevan: He is damaged as a result of this…) I think he is enhanced, David. He is enhanced because in the end he has shown, through strong leadership, a willingness to take action, a willingness to lead on difficult issues, and this has been a very difficult issue. It would have been far easier for Malcolm to take an easy way out, to refuse to deal with this issue, to simply be a naysayer, but instead, in Australia’s interests, he has negotiated negotiated an excellent outcome, an outcome that will help us into the future.