A Coalition Government, if elected, will recognise the work of hundreds of local historical and heritage groups across Australia with a new $1.4 million Community Heritage Grants program.
Volunteers throughout Australia invest an incredible amount of time and energy in collecting and preserving our local heritage.
Without their tireless work in rescuing historical artefacts and researching local history, our sense of who we are and where we’ve come from would be greatly diminished.
Every community across Australia has a unique and fascinating story to tell. By protecting and preserving our local history and heritage, we are helping enrich our cultural identity.
To support this important heritage work, grants of up to $10,000 will be made available to local historical or heritage groups for the conservation, development and exhibition of our local cultural heritage.
The $1.4 million program is in addition to existing community heritage funding.
Some examples of projects the grants could fund include:
·         historical memorials;
·         the restoration of a community historical or heritage icon;
·         commemorative plaques;
·         interpretive signs;
·         local history books and other literature;
·         interpretive history trails/walks;
·         exhibitions; and
·         heritage events and celebrations.
Part of this funding will be set aside to support the important work of the Federation of Australian Historical Societies and the Australian Heritage Council.
The Federation of Australian Historical Societies will receive $80,000 each year for three years to support its work, including in advising and networking with historical and heritage societies and museums, developing training materials and programs and undertaking national outreach.
The Australian Heritage Council will receive $50,000 per year for three years to better undertake its work in supporting Australian heritage.