Opposition Education Spokesperson Kate Ellis has for the third time in four days confirmed that Labor has no plans for child care. Ms Ellis only seems interested in swiping from the sidelines and standing in the way of the Turnbull Government’s child care package that will benefit around one million families. 
If Ms Ellis is so opposed to our increased childcare support, targeted at hard working low and middle income families, then she needs to clarify what her alternative is – will Labor simply continue the status quo or do they have a costed alternative?

Will they tinker around the edges again to the detriment of Australian families? 

Our package is responsible, fair and paid for. We have engaged with the sector, with parents and the community and have laid out a fully-costed package of comprehensive reform that will make child care more affordable and accessible for those who need it most.

Yesterday Ms Ellis suggested she was going to fix child care fees. What does this mean in reality for families and centres?

With every desperate ‘thought bubble’ press release from the Opposition’s Education Spokesperson the only thing that has become clear is that Labor has no plan for child care.

I call on Labor to work with us to fix the mistakes they made that are still hurting families and taxpayers, and to support the Turnbull Government’s $40 billion childcare package, including the savings required to fund more than $3 billion in extra funding that will help make child care simpler, more flexible and more affordable.
More than one million families stand to benefit from our reforms, families that depend on child care to work or work more.