Kate Ellis and Jenny Macklin have ignored their own track record on Labor’s support for students with disability, ramping up their cynical scare campaign against vulnerable families and students.
“The Liberal Government has cut the $100 million a year More Support for Students With Disabilities program…”
– Kate Ellis and Jenny Macklin, Media Release, 18/4/16
FACT: Repeating a lie does not make it true. As Kate Ellis and Jenny Macklin know full-well, the program was a short-term initiative to skill-up educators to better support students with disability and Labor funded it for 2012 and 2013. The Coalition was the party that actually extended that funding with an additional $100 million in 2014.
We are investing a record $5 billion for students with disability, more than matching the previous government’s support, including an additional $100 million this year and another $100 million in 2017. We have also committed $409 million for the Inclusion Support Programme and specialist support to remove barriers so early childhood and child care services can include children with additional needs
“[The Turnbull Government has] failed to implement the full disability loading as they have promised time and time again…”
– Kate Ellis and Jenny Macklin, Media Release, 18/4/16
FACT: Labor spent six years giving false hope to students with disability, promising the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability. The Turnbull Government is committed to finalising the data in cooperation with the Education Council once the states and territories have signed off on the accuracy and robustness of the data.
The Turnbull Government is providing record levels of support for students with disability and will ensure that support reaches those students and families who need it most.
Labor’s record shows that Kate Ellis and Jenny Macklin are all talk, they cannot be trusted to deliver for students with disability and their families.