Interview on 2GB, Summer Drive, with Luke Grant

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Tourism industry. 14 January 2020   Luke Grant: An Australian travel warning issued to US citizens has been downgraded. The alert level was, last week, upgraded to level 2 amid dangerous bushfires and concerns over air quality. It’s understood the Prime Minister was in direct contact with senior levels of the Trump administration…


Interview on RN Breakfast with Tom Tilley

Transcript, E&OE Topic: Bushfire impact on tourism. 09 January 2020   Tom Tilley: And for more, I’m joined now by the Federal Minister for Tourism, Simon Birmingham, who’s in Adelaide this morning. Simon Birmingham, welcome back to Breakfast. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, Tom. It’s good to speak with you on RN. Tom Tilley: Yeah, great to speak to you…


Interview on 5AA, Mornings with Tony Pilkington

Transcript, E&OE Topics: Bushfires effecting tourism on Kangaroo Island. 06 January 2020   Tony Pilkington: Keeping the tourist dollars flowing while bushfire ravaged communities are really struggling is Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham’s top priority immediately and he joins us on the program right now. Minister, good morning and welcome. How are you? Simon Birmingham: Hello…


Press Conference

Transcript, E&OE Topics: New tourism campaign targeting the UK.   26 December 2019   Simon Birmingham:    This is an incredibly exciting campaign, the launch of Matesong in the United Kingdom is about inspiring Brits to keep visiting Australia in huge numbers. Some 700,000 visitors from the UK come to Australia each and every year, they…


Press Conference

Transcript, E&OE Topics: New tourism campaign targeting the UK.   26 December 2019   Question: Just a little bit about what this campaign is? Simon Birmingham: This is really a campaign to try to aim at the hearts of UK tourists, to get them to think well yes, it’s been a bit of a tough time here…
