Doorstop, Parliament House

Topics: MYEFO, JobKeeper, Australia-China trade relationship, International borders/travel 17/12/2020 07:52AM   Simon Birmingham:     Later today the Treasurer and I will release the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook. This is an important opportunity for us to provide an update in relation to the Budget and economic outlook, which itself was, of course, only handed down…


Interview on Channel 9 Today Show with Sylvia Jeffreys 

Topics: Barley WTO; Australia-China trade relations, Jobkeeper 17/12/2020 07:20AM/AM   Sylvia Jeffreys:             Well Australia is officially taking China to task over barley tariffs this morning, calling in global umpire, the World Trade Organization, as the trade war escalates. But Beijing’s pointing the finger right back, accusing Australia of breaching its Free Trade Agreement by blocking…


Press Conference, Parliament House

Topics: Australia to initiate WTO action for tariffs imposed on Australian barley by China 16/12/2020 12:18 PM   Simon Birmingham:     Late yesterday out of courtesy Australian officials in Canberra, Beijing and at the World Trade Organization in Geneva advised their Chinese counterparts of Australia’s intention to request formal consultations with China in relation to the…


Interview on 2GB Afternoons with Joe Hildebrand

Topics: Australia-China trade relations; foreign interference; tourism industry; cruise industry 15/12/2020 12:15PM   Joe Hildebrand:           Another big thing in the news, of course, is the trade war with China appears to have escalated again. The Chinese-English language newspaper, The Global Times, which is basically just a propaganda sheet for the Chinese Communist Party, has reported…


Press Conference, Commonwealth Parliamentary Offices, Sydney

Topics: Australia-China trade relationship 12/15/2020 10:07AM     Simon Birmingham:     Thanks, thanks very much for coming along today. We’ve seen further deeply disturbing and concerning reports out of China in the last 24 hours in relation to Australian exports, and particularly as it relates to exports of Australian coal. Our government is very, very concerned…
