Interview on 4BC Drive with Scott Emerson

Topics: First parliament sitting week; COVID-19 vaccine rollout; JobKeeper; QLD tourism businesses; JobSeeker; health advice; 02/02/2021 Scott Emerson:            COVID and the impact of COVID has not changed, particularly for the tourism sector. Now, we had on earlier on the programme Patricia O’Callahan, who’s the newly installed CEO of Destination Gold Coast. This is what…


Interview on ABC RN Breakfast with Fran Kelly

Topics: Emissions reductions targets; Industrial relations reform; income support; health messaging; 02/02/2021 07:35AM Fran Kelly: The Morrison Government is shifting ground on climate change policy, with the Prime Minister saying he wants Australia to reach net zero emissions by 2050 or perhaps even earlier. It’s the first time the PM has nominated that specific timetable…


Interview on ABC News Breakfast with Lisa Millar

Topics: Emissions targets; Collingwood; Myanmar coup; COVID rapid testing kits; 02/02/2021 07:05AM   Lisa Millar: Well, the coronavirus situation in Perth will be one of many issues facing our federal politicians when parliament resumes today. Finance Minister and Leader of the Government in the Senate, Simon Birmingham, joins us from Parliament House. Good morning for…


Interview on 2GB Drive with Jim Wilson

Topics: stranded Australians; JobKeeper; relationship with China; 29/01/20 4:11pm Jim Wilson:      Well, big news today for stranded Aussies in the UK. They’ve been dealt a big blow after an abrupt decision by Britain to close its border to the United Arab Emirates. This means there’ll be no Emirates planes available to pick up stranded Australians…


Interview on 2GB Drive with Jim Wilson

Topics: US President Biden; Australia-US Relations; Labour force figures; JobKeeper; National Cabinet; Cricket Australia – Australia Day decision 21/01/2021 04:08PM   Jim Wilson:     Well, he’s got a big job ahead, and on the line is Finance Minister and Acting Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham. Minister, welcome back to Drive.   Simon Birmingham:     Good afternoon, Jim.…


Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Breakfast, with David Bevan and Ali Clarke

SENATOR THE HON SIMON BIRMINGHAM Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs TRANSCRIPT Topics: Australian Open COVID cases; Australian repatriation flights, Hotel quarantine, US politics 18/01/2021 08:36AM David Bevan: Well, let’s go to acting Foreign Minister, South Australian Senator Simon Birmingham. Good morning to you, Minister. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, David, Ali. Welcome back and happy New…
