Senator Simon Birmingham is urging South Australian Age Pensioners subjected to the Rudd Government’s onerous Work Bonus reporting requirements to contact him with details of any difficulties experienced.
Under new arrangements, any age pensioners earning an income are required to report fortnightly or face receiving a ‘nil payment’.
“People who reach Age Pension age but wish to remain active members of the workforce, to whatever degree, should not face the sort of discouragement they do now under the Rudd Government’s ‘Pensioner Watch’ regime,” Senator Birmingham said today.
“Under previous arrangements, most pensioners made use of the option to ‘annualise out’ the amount of income earned, report the estimate each quarter and retrospectively reconcile any difference between the estimated and actual earnings.
“Mr Rudd’s ‘Pensioner Watch’ regime instead sees some 90,000 pensioners contacting Centrelink fortnightly, causing only frustration for pensioners and extra workload for Centrelink staff already under pressure.
“It is particularly onerous on pensioners who are travelling, including our many grey nomads making the most of their retirement years and contributing to local economies all around the country.
“I encourage Age Pensioners who have been affected in this way to contact my office on 8354 1644 or toll free on 1300 301 638 and let me know.”