The Education Minister Simon Birmingham has welcomed the support of various schooling lobby groups, principals, teachers and parents following the announcement of the Turnbull Government’s plans to ensure all schools were funded fairly and according to need.
Minister Birmingham said he was pleased that so many people had heeded the Prime Minister’s call to end the schools funding war to ensure the Commonwealth’s record and growing levels of funding gave students the opportunities they need to succeed.
“What Labor implemented and what David Gonski and his panel of experts recommended were two very different things and I welcome the many voices that recognise the current schools funding arrangements distort the way funding is allocated, not by need but by 27 special deals,” Minister Birmingham said.
“Our plan will see all schools reach a consistent share of funding within a decade, unlike the 150 years of inequity that current arrangements would entail.”
“The urgency to implement the current funding model four years ago resulted in some inconsistencies in the model. We welcome the Government’s attempt to make the new model more consistent in application.”
– Colette Colman, Independent Schools Council of Australia, Media release, 2/5/17
“Common funding arrangements across the country will see greater transparency and give principals confidence that what they receive in school funding is fair and equitable”
– Dennis Yarrington, Australian Primary Principals Association, Media release, 2/5/17
“The Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA) has welcomed the Turnbull Government’s announcement of a consultative review to provide policy advice on educational reform…AHISA also welcomed the Government’s commitment to increased investment in school education.”
– Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia, Media release, 2/5/17
“The move to reduce the twenty-seven funding agreements into a single model, with no special deals, may finally bring truly needs based funding to all sectors.”
– Phillip Spratt, Australian Council of State School Organisations, Media release, 2/5/17
“Today’s announcement on school funding is welcome. The Coalition has set out a 10-year goal of every school being consistently funded by the Commonwealth.”
Peter Goss, Grattan Institute, 2/5/17
“The proposed changes represent the kind of careful redesign of government programs that we champion. They should ultimately help deliver better services and target taxpayer support at those who most need it.”
– Jennifer Westacott, Business Council of Australia, Media Release, 2/5/17
“Independent schools welcome the Australian Government’s commitment to implementing a truly national schools funding model that is driven by student need regardless of what school a student attends or state they live in…Independent schools welcome the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to the non-government schooling sector…”
– David Robertson, Independent Schools Queensland, 2/5/17
“I’m not surprised at the Labor Party’s response because, as education experts like Ken Boston have pointed out, their policy “corrupted” schools funding arrangements,” Minister Birmingham said.
“It’s typical of Tanya Plibersek and Bill Shorten – they are all scare and no solution. It makes no sense why they’d oppose a $18.6 billion funding increase to schools from the Commonwealth over the next 10 years nor why they’d oppose having funding properly allocated to need.
“Unlike the Labor Party, the Turnbull Government recognises that while a strong level of funding for schools is vital, what’s more important is how that funding is used. That’s why David Gonski will lead an entirely new inquiry into the most effective teaching and learning strategies to reverse the declining results of Australian schools.
“This new work will not revisit the review on funding because our reforms act on its recommendations. Instead, it’ll be about ensuring our record and growing levels of funding are used effectively to support the implementation of programs in schools proven to boost student outcomes.”
Further details of the Turnbull Government’s plan to transform schools available here and at