Interview on LAFM Tasmania Talks with Brian Carlton

Subjects: P-TECH pilot launch in Burnie; Higher education reform EO&E…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. BRIAN CARLTON:  Mister Birmingham good morning. SIMON BIRMINGHAM:  Good morning, Brian and good morning to your listeners. CARLTON:  How’re you going? How was your flight in to Burnie this morning? BIRMINGHAM:  All good, all good. It’s very nice to be here, a great sunny day,…

Interview on Triple J Hack with Tom Tilley

Subjects: Higher education reform; University flagship courses; vocational education reform EO&E…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. TOM TILLEY:  Simon Birmingham, thanks for joining us on Hack. SIMON BIRMINGHAM:  G’day Tom, great to be with you. TILLEY: Let’s talk about universities first, why would people trust you to run the university sector when your government surprised the electorate with cuts and…

Interview on ABC North and West Breakfast with Tim Bennett

Subjects: Jobs and Investment package for Upper Spencer Gulf; Support for Arrium; Higher Education. EO&E…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. TIM BENNETT: $20 million has been promised for Whyalla, for the upper Spencer Gulf actually, in Whyalla was the announcement made with Rowan Ramsey, the sitting Member for Grey. The interesting thing of course is $20 million is how much money…

Press Conference – Whyalla Doorstop

Subjects: Regional Development Fund for Upper Spencer Gulf EO&E…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ROWAN RAMSEY: …announcing a jobs package for Whyalla and the upper Spencer Gulf and I’ll Simon put some meat on that bone in a minute for you about how that is going to work and this programme. It is a $20 million jobs programme investing in industry…

Interview on ABC 612 Brisbane Drive with Emma Griffiths

Subjects: The Turnbull Government’s child care reforms; Labor’s child care approach failing the ‘fairness test’; Family Tax Benefit changes; Paid Parental Leave. EO&E…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. EMMA GRIFFITHS:  The Education Minister, Simon Birmingham, is responsible for child care. Minister, the ANU modelling that’s come out today shows that most families would be better off under Labor’s policy. Do…