Doorstop interview, Canberra

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Canberra Topics: University of Wollongong’s Molecular Horizons project; Future schools funding arrangements; Restoring the rule of law to the building and construction industry; National Firearms Agreement 19/10/2016 12:45PM SIMON BIRMINGHAM: …the world over the years, it will change lives, it will save lives and it will happen in Wollongong, in Australia,…

Interview on 891 ABC Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on 891 ABC Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan Topics: National Firearms Agreement; Changes to pension eligibility  19/10/2016 08:39 AM Matthew Abraham: It’s Super Wednesday time, let’s crank it up with Liberal Senator for South Australia, Minister for Education Senator Simon Birmingham. Welcome Senator. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, great to…

Speech at launch University of Wollongong’s plans for Molecular Horizons: a Centre for Molecular and Life Sciences

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Speech at launch University of Wollongong’s plans for Molecular Horizons: a Centre for Molecular and Life Sciences  19/10/2016 [Inaudible] And for all that you do for the University of Wollongong but for the promotion of Australia’s $19 billion dollar international education sector more generally. And I really do look forward absolutely to working…