Friday, 27 November 2020
This week I released $231.4 million in additional funding to support the Government’s response to the COVID‑19 pandemic and to support grant payments to not-for-profit organisations by using the Advance to the Finance Minister (the AFM).
The first determination provided $71.7 million to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications to support the domestic aviation network.
This decision ensures continued funding for the Domestic Aviation Network Support program, consistent with previous announcements by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, Michael McCormack.
The second determination provided $159.7 million to the Department of Social Services for targeted services and assistance to families and communities.
This decision ensures operational continuity of support to not-for-profit organisations over the Christmas period by providing funding for grant payments due in early December 2020, before the Annual Appropriation Acts for 2020-21 receive Royal Assent and come into force.
Both determinations were made from the AFM that was appropriated by the Parliament in Supply Act (No. 1) 2020-2021.
The determinations were signed on 25 and 26 November 2020 respectively. They were registered on the Federal Register of Legislation, together with an Explanatory Statement. These are available at for the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications and at
for the Department of Social Services.