Joint media release:

  • The Hon Michael McCormack MP, Shadow Minsiter for International Development and the Pacific


The Coalition welcomes today’s signing of a treaty-level Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between Australia and Vanuatu.

The BSA underpins the deep and longstanding relationship between our two countries and recognises our shared security interests.

Our region is at its strongest when Pacific nations lead Pacific security and stability.

Both nations committed to negotiate a BSA under the Coalition Government in 2018. We were both honoured to be present in Port Vila today for the signing of this historic treaty, as part of Australia’s bipartisan delegation to the Pacific, including Vanuatu.

We thank Prime Minister Kalsakau for supporting the signing of this agreement and his commitment that Australia is Vanuatu’s principal security partner.

In challenging and contested times, Australia and Vanuatu are stronger together, as we are with the signing of this bilateral security agreement.