Julia Gillard is trying to deceive Australians about the real impact for them of her carbon tax, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.
On Adelaide radio today, the Prime Minister deliberately avoided the most severe cost impacts of the carbon tax which took effect yesterday:
“People can, you know, not listen to the politicians. They can just work it out for themselves. They can have a look at their pay packet, have a look at the tax cuts, have a look at what they’re spending at the shops when they go and do the family shopping, and see for themselves what the truth of carbon pricing is.”
Julia Gillard, FIVEaa, 2 July 2012
“What about electricity, gas and water, Prime Minister?” Senator Birmingham asked in response.
Electricity and gas bills have been forecast to rise nationally as much as 10 per cent and 9 per cent in the first year alone. Here in South Australia, the Essential Services Commission recently confirmed an average electricity bill would rise by $274.62 with $69.85 of that directly attributed to the carbon tax.
Water bills will also rise in South Australia as a result of SA Water’s inclusion on the Clean Energy Regulator’s list of entities directly liable to pay the carbon tax, with an expected carbon tax bill of about $6.2 million.
“Having already misled Australians when she promised there would be no carbon tax under a government she leads, Julia Gillard is now directing them to look everywhere except where the carbon tax will have the most impact on their costs of living.
“Treasury’s own forecasts indicate millions of Australians will be worse off under this toxic tax, and Julia Gillard is already desperately trying every trick in the book to hide the true impact.”