The Albanese Government has shown complete contempt and childish behaviour in what can only be described as a total lack of respect for the Senate practice of Questions on Notice.
Today the Senate compelled the Government to explain why the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Bill Shorten, has submitted a number of answers to Senate Questions on Notice that are a disgraceful disregard for the transparency of Government.
Not only has Minister Shorten failed to answer these serious questions asked of his portfolios, but he has also demonstrated he doesn’t believe the NDIS requires Parliamentary scrutiny, providing answers full of political commentary with no reference to the NDIS.
In true hypocritical fashion, only as recently as April this year, did Prime Minister Anthony Albanese say:
“What I am focused on is running a good Government. A Government that’s run by adults. A Government that has good processes in place. A Government that has ministers that are understanding their tasks and are working hard.” – 2 April 2022
What Minister Shorten’s responses show is that this is not a Government run by children but one with Ministers who disrespect proper Parliamentary process.
Sadly, Mr Shorten has been working harder on writing cheap political responses to serious questions than he has on developing actual reform to make the NDIS more sustainable.
The Senate’s actions today were a message to the Government – lift your standard, show respect to the Senate and the people it represents.