Local businesses in Brisbane are benefiting from the Industry Skills Fund (ISF), which will provide up to 250,000 training places and support services across Australia.
Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham said that Alpha Finance was one of a number of businesses throughout Australia to secure funding under the Government’s $664 million ISF.
Federal Member for Brisbane, the Hon Teresa Gambaro MP, said the local Fortitude Valley business provides professional services in car finance, car hire and airport parking sectors.
“Alpha will benefit from $45,000 through the Government’s ISF which will provide staff with the leadership and management skills required to help drive the company forward,” Ms Gambaro said.
“Alpha is a great local business that has undergone rapid growth in the last few years and is positioning itself for further growth. Their forecasts predict significant new domestic demand, particularly in the finance sector over the next three years, and getting skills assistance now will help Alpha realise their business goals.
“I encourage other businesses in Brisbane to apply for support to boost the skills of their workforce under the Abbott Government’s new $664 million ISF,” Ms Gambaro said.
Senator Birmingham said the ISF supports small and medium sized businesses that need to upskill or retrain their workers so their business can diversify or take advantage of new market opportunities. Larger businesses can also apply.
“Free skills advice is also available for small and medium businesses,” he said.
“Experienced advisers will work with eligible businesses to help them understand growth opportunities, and to identify skills they need to increase their competitiveness and the training provider they want to work with.
“With better trained employees, Australian business will be positioned to diversify into new markets, adopt new technologies, enter export markets and create more jobs,” Senator Birmingham said.
Under the ISF, businesses are required to make a contribution to the cost of training, with the
Government covering the rest of the cost. The co-contribution rate depends on the number of employees, with smaller businesses receiving higher levels of support.
For further information on the ISF or to apply, visit: www.business.gov.au/industryskillsfund or
call 13 28 46.
Media Contacts:
Caitlin Keage, 0427 729 987 (Birmingham)
Madeline Paramor, 0433 334 682 (Gambaro)