The Hon Barnaby Joyce MP
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham
Minister for Finance
Leader of the Government in the Senate
Senator for South Australia
The Hon Mark Coulton MP
Federal Member for Parkes
Garth Hamilton MP
Federal Member for Groom
Friday, 3 December 2021
The Liberal and Nationals Government’s delivery of Inland Rail is continuing to generate opportunities for local businesses, create new jobs and boost the economic fortunes of regional Australia.
Australian owned and operated Martinus Rail has been selected to deliver approximately 570 kilometres of track linking Narromine in New South Wales and Gowrie in Queensland.
This includes the Narromine to Narrabri, Narrabri to North Star Phase 2, North Star to Border, and Border to Gowrie sections of the project.
The Rail Corridor Program will deliver works with an estimated value of more than $300 million, providing work for an estimated 600 people who will lay 1.7 million tonnes of ballast and 80,000 tonnes of steel rail, and install nearly 950,000 Australian made concrete sleepers.
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Barnaby Joyce said the Government is continuing to turn its vision for Inland Rail into a reality.
“Inland Rail is delivering a more efficient national freight network that better connects our mining businesses and agricultural producers with domestic and international markets, while ensuring Australians can access the products they need at home,” the Deputy Prime Minister said.
“Transporting our most valuable commodities, including iron ore, coal and agricultural products, through a connected network of rail, roads, air and sea is what drives Australia’s economy.
“Our future economic prosperity hinges on our ability to continue exporting the products that fund the services Australians need and deserve and Inland Rail will facilitate this into the future.”
Finance Minister Simon Birmingham said Martinus Rail joins more than 400 Australian companies already contracted to supply and service the Inland Rail project.
“The design and construction of Inland Rail has already seen ARTC commit to contracts worth more than $2.2 billion,” Minister Birmingham said.
“This multi-billion-dollar investment is stimulating growth, supporting new jobs and providing opportunities for businesses of all sizes to grow and build capability.”
Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton welcomed the news that Martinus Rail had been awarded the contract to deliver the track from Narromine to Gowrie.
“This contract will directly benefit communities from Narromine to the Queensland border, providing work for local people and businesses,” Mr Coulton said.
“With the construction of the Inland Rail, the Australian Government is bringing immediate opportunities to our regions, delivering multi-billion-dollar projects right here in our own backyard.”
Federal Member for Groom Garth Hamilton said the awarding of the contract to Martinus Rail showed the project was on track and regional communities could feel confident they’d soon see work begin.
“This will bring jobs, jobs and more jobs to our region. We need to be encouraging people now to consider the opportunities this project will bring,” Mr Hamilton said.
“I want to see the maximum possible benefit flow to communities along the alignment.”
Work on the Rail Corridor Program will commence next year following completion of the collaborative framework agreement and contract signing.
Track works between Narromine and Gowrie will be completed ahead of Inland Rail operations in 2027.
For more information on ARTC contracts and commitment, or to explore opportunities for businesses to help build Inland Rail visit