Senator the Hon. Simon Birmingham
Minister for Finance
Leader of the Government in the Senate
Senator for South Australia


The Hon Barnaby Joyce MP
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
Member for New England

Date: Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Humes Tamworth is to manufacture concrete culverts for the Narrabri to North Star section of Inland Rail following the signing of a $67 million contract.

Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce toured the Tamworth factory today, where more than 65,000 tonnes of concrete will be used to manufacture 5,100 culverts. Mr Joyce also met with workers who will make a total of 9,400 concrete products for the project.

“The Australian Government is backing regional Australia, delivering the infrastructure that will allow our regions to grow and fuel Australia’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic,” Mr Joyce said.

“This contract, worth $67 million, means an additional 30 people from the local region will be employed at the Humes factory right here in Tamworth as they manufacture the culverts needed to build Inland Rail.

“Inland Rail is stimulating new revenue and growth opportunities for businesses in every state and territory across Australia with over 1,500 contracts, for a combined value of more than $2 billion, already awarded for the supply of services, materials and labour to the project.

“Regional businesses are making a significant contribution to the design and construction of Inland Rail – this contract for precast culverts is another example of the opportunities Inland Rail is generating for manufacturers across Australia.”

Finance Minister Simon Birmingham said that Inland Rail would improve the efficiency of Australia’s freight network for exporters, producers and businesses and was already proving its value to the country.

“Inland Rail is about long-term sustainable growth which is being achieved through freight efficiencies, technology based connectivity and cost-competitive transport,” Minister Birmingham said.

“Hundreds of Australian businesses are already seeing significant benefits from Inland Rail, with more than $2 billion in contracts awarded supporting growth and resilience across Inland Rail regions and their local economies.

“Inland Rail will deliver a boost of more than $18 billion to Gross Domestic Product during construction and through the first 50 years of operation.”

For more information on Inland Rail contracts and commitments, or to explore opportunities for businesses to help build the Inland Rail, visit