South Australia’s Liberal Senate team warmly welcomes Senator Lucy Gichuhi as a Liberal Party colleague.


Senator Gichuhi is a well-respected member of the Upper House and is already known for her thoughtful advocacy, strong community connections and defence of individual liberty and choice.


As Senator Gichuhi highlighted in her maiden speech, “Australia is what it is because we have the ability to have freedom of choice as individuals…”, “…true poverty was when a person is unable to freely choose their own destiny.”


The Senator’s values are the same as the fundamental tenets of the Liberal Party’s philosophy.


The Liberal Party prides itself on representing a wide variety of opinions and backgrounds.  Senator Gichuhi, with her personal experiences and life story, will add enormous value and bring new perspectives to our Liberal team.


We look forward to working with Senator Gichuhi to advance South Australia’s interests as part of a Liberal team focussed on job creation, supporting families and building an even stronger Australia.