Service to Australia is in Linda Reynolds’s DNA and I acknowledge the significance of her decision to not recontest the next election.


With a distinguished career spanning the military and political realms, Linda has built a track record of dedicated service, leadership, and advocacy.


From her service in the Australian Army to her tenure as a Liberal Senator for Western Australia, Linda has been a steadfast champion for our nation’s defence, national security, and the advancement of Australia.


During her 29 years in the Australian Army as a Reserve Officer Linda became the first woman to attain the rank of Brigadier and brought this achievement to her service in the Parliament, promoting the participation of women in the defence force. It was fitting that Linda should go on to serve as Australia’s defence minister.


Linda has brought dedication to each of her vocations and has served the people of Western Australia since 2014 with great energy and humility.


As Minister for Defence and Minister for Government Services and the NDIS, she played a pivotal role in shaping Australian policy and representing our nation’s interests. Her legislative initiatives and tireless advocacy have helped shape policies that will endure for years to come.


I look forward to continuing to serve alongside Linda for the remainder of her term and extend my deepest gratitude for her service to our country.


Linda’s strength, courage and dignity have been remarked upon by many.  I have no doubt that in the years ahead Linda will continue to unwaveringly serve her community and our nation.