891 ABC Adelaide – election result following independents’ decisions

  MATTHEW ABRAHAM: Simon Birmingham is a Liberal Senator. Simon Birmingham, good morning… ah, good afternoon, Simon.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Habits die hard, Matthew. Good afternoon to you two and the listeners.   MATTHEW ABRAHAM: Senator Simon Birmingham, what’s your… do you feel shattered?   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Look, it’s obviously disappointing and… to come so close, to win 600,000 more primary…

Lunchtime Agenda, Sky News Australia – Labor’s proposed mining tax, election result following independents’ decisions

  ASHLEIGH GILLON: Simon Birmingham, have you lost all hope that this mining tax could disappear or do you think that there could be movement there?   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Well Ashleigh, look, I think there are several points to make in relation to the mining tax and this debate today. Firstly, here we are less than…

Afternoon Live, ABC News 24 – Murray Darling Basin policy, Basin Plan

  ALI MOORE: The Opposition’s Parliamentary Secretary for the Murray Darling Basin is Senator Simon Birmingham. He joins myself and Political Editor Chris Uhlmann from the ABC’s Adelaide bureau. Simon Birmingham, welcome to the program.   SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Thanks Ali… good afternoon… good afternoon Chris.   ALI MOORE: You’ve committed to implementing the Murray-Darling Basin Authority Plan,…

Election 2010, Sky News Australia – South Australian state election, dodgy how-to-vote cards

  DAVID SPEERS: Let’s go to Adelaide and the Liberal camp there, the Isobel Redmond camp tonight, and Liberal Senator Simon Birmingham joins us now. Senator, thanks for your time. What are you hearing so far there tonight? We haven’t seen any real results through but the exit polls are somewhat encouraging for the Liberals?   SIMON…