SA short-changed by dodgy NBN figures

  “South Australians are being taken for fools by a Labor Government who thinks dodgy figures and implied promises will make up for their failure to deliver the National Broadband Network (NBN),” Opposition Senate Communications spokesman Simon Birmingham said today. ? It follows the Government’s announcement today of a new NBN fibre rollout plan designed…

Ruddock-Ferguson-Moore-Birmingham doorstop interview, Parliament House, Canberra – Syria, petition to China and Russia

  PHILIP RUDDOCK: … on behalf of my colleagues as members of the Parliamentary Amnesty group [Amnesty International Parliamentary Group] that this is an important occasion because almost all Members of the House of Representatives and the Senate have endorsed the view, following the Amnesty report, that China and Russia should be involved in changing…

Doorstop interview, Parliament House, Canberra – Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, industry assistance

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: Labor appears to be deaf to the cost-of-living pressures that Australians are facing at present. They appear to be blind to the mounting evidence around the carbon tax – the world’s biggest carbon tax – and the reality that it will leave Australia with the world’s largest electricity bills. This ‘hear no…

Doorstop interview, Parliament House, Canberra – Julia Gillard’s carbon tax, electricity prices

  SIMON BIRMINGHAM: It’s time for this Labor Government to wake up and look at electricity prices. Evidence released today by the Energy Users Association of Australia demonstrates that Australia has some of the highest electricity prices in the world and that, when Labor’s carbon tax is applied, Australians will be paying the highest electricity…