Interview on ABC News Breakfast with Del Irani and Virginia Trioli

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC News Breakfast with Del Irani and Virginia Trioli Topics: Senator Xenophon and South Australia;  Thousands of families hitting the child care rebate cap; Making child care more affordable, accessible and flexible; Supporting vulnerable families 16/02/2017 7:06AM Del Irani: Now, South Australian Independent Senator Nick Xenophon is under attack this morning…

Doorstop interview, Canberra

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Canberra Topics:  Research grants for type 1 diabetes; Future schools funding arrangements; Sugar/salt tax; Medicare rebate 15/02/2017 11:45AM Simon Birmingham:     Minister Hunt and I are thrilled to be here today with the wonderful researchers, the community from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, from Diabetes Australia, from a range of…

Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide Breakfast with Matthew Abraham  Topics: SA’s energy security; Labor’s refusal to say how much their 50 per cent renewable energy target will cost; Reducing Australia’s debt and deficit; Future schools funding arrangements 15/02/2017 8:35AM Matthew Abraham: It is Breakfast with Matthew Abraham and it will be Breakfast again…