Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Breakfast with Ali Clarke and David Bevan

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Radio Adelaide, Breakfast with Ali Clarke and David Bevan Topics: Same-sex marriage; Coal-fired power 15/11/2017 09:05AM David Bevan: A big ABC radio Adelaide welcome to Simon Birmingham, Liberal Senator for South Australia and Education Minister on the phone line, good morning Simon Birmingham. Simon Birmingham: Good morning, top of the…

Interview on ABC Radio National Drive with Patricia Karvelas

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Interview on ABC Radio National Drive with Patricia Karvelas Topics: Citizenship of Parliamentarians; Same-sex marriage 13/11/17 06:10PM Patricia Karvelas: Simon Birmingham, Minister for Education, welcome back to RN Drive Simon Birmingham: G’day Patricia, nice to be with you. Patricia Karvelas: So how many MPs are you preparing to potentially lose, have you clearly…

Doorstop interview, Canberra

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Doorstop interview, Canberra Topics: Latest Newspoll; Citizenship of Parliamentarians 13/11/2017 7:30AM Journalist: Happy with the results of the Newspoll? Simon Birmingham: Well the Turnbull Government is determined that despite the fact that the commentary around citizenship sucks much of the oxygen out of the news coverage at present, that we’re going to keep…