ABC Radio – RN Drive

Topics:  Labor puts cart before horse and risks rewarding terrorists;   5:05PM AEST 10 April 2024   Andy Park:  Meanwhile, the Shadow Foreign Affairs minister, Simon Birmingham, says Labor is putting the cart before the horse and risks rewarding terrorists. He joins me now. Welcome to you, Senator.   Simon Birmingham: Hello, Andy. It’s good to…

Doorstop – SA

Topics:  Labor puts cart before horse and risks rewarding terrorists;   1:10PM ACST 10 April 2024   Simon Birmingham: Penny Wong’s speech overnight, has done nothing but create confusion about whether the Albanese Government is proposing to fast-track recognition of a Palestinian state, or whether they remain committed to the decades long bipartisan policy of supporting…

CH 10 – Midday

Topics:  Labor puts cart before horse and risks rewarding terrorists;   12:30PM ACST 10 April 2024     Narelda Jacobs: Returning now to our top story. Shadow foreign Affairs Minister Simon Birmingham has criticised Penny Wong’s speech last night, which signalled the federal government is considering recognising a Palestinian statehood as a pathway to a two-state…