MPI – Gillard Government

SENATOR BIRMINGHAM: (South Australia) (16:42): I rise to speak on this matter of public importance. Ten minutes is nowhere near long enough to go through the systematic government waste and incompetence of the Rudd and Gillard governments. Ten minutes is nowhere near long enough to go through even the systematic government waste and incompetence exposed…

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development) Bill 2012 – 2nd Reading

SENATOR BIRMINGHAM: (South Australia): (12:37):I trust that is due respect being shown to the chair from the other side of the chamber. It is a pleasure to speak on the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Amendment (Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development) Bill 2012. I assure the chamber…

Treaties Committee Report No. 127, Treaties tabled on 20 March and 8 May 2012; and report No. 128, Review of the Treaties Ratification Bill 2012.

SENATOR BIRMINGHAM (South Australia) 15:35 – I thank the Senate for the leave. In presenting these two reports I will touch briefly on some of the issues they canvass. First is report No. 127, which contains the committee’s views on a series of treaties which were tabled on 20 March and 8 May 2012. One…

Capital Hill, ABC News 24 – Anti-discrimination; GST, tax reform; Murray-Darling Basin reform

  LYNDAL CURTIS: The Federal Government has released draft legislation [Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 Exposure Draft] to consolidate Australia’s discrimination laws. The changes are designed to provide more protection and a simpler regime, although the Opposition worries about shifting the burden of proof onto the respondent and some elements of the consolidation. Both…