Local jobs to help manage Commonwealth environmental water

The Commonwealth Environmental Water Holder is now recruiting local engagement officers to work directly with Murray-Darling Basin communities. “The officers will help ensure local knowledge and views are taken into account when considering Commonwealth environmental watering decisions,” said Senator Birmingham, Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment.  “These officers will be based on the ground and be…

Environmental water gives Murrumbidgee wetlands a boost

40,000 megalitres of water has been allocated in the lower Murrumbidgee, New South Wales, to help protect the area’s wetlands. “Water delivery commenced early this month to wetlands including those in Nimmie-Caira, Yanga National Park, Fiddlers and Uara Creeks and the Western Lakes,” said Senator Simon Birmingham, Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment. “Commonwealth environmental water…

Capital Hill, ABC News 24 – Japanese whaling, International Court of Justice decision, Australia’s relationship with Japan.

GREG JENNETT: Now, having won the case, Australia’s going out of its way to be gracious towards Tokyo. All are stressing that the disagreements of the past are over. The parliamentary secretary in the Environment portfolio is Simon Birmingham. He doesn’t even want to contemplate the idea that Japan might step up its activities in…

Victoria Country Hour, ABC Radio – Murray-Darling Basin reform, On-Farm Irrigation Efficiency Program

WARWICK LONG: … let’s talk about irrigation. The Federal Government is handing out more money for irrigators to upgrade their irrigation equipment whilst handing back some of their water right to the Commonwealth. Originally a $100 million program, or stage of a program, the Government says submissions from its delivery partners, who organise the farmers…

Billions of litres delivering a healthier Murray-Darling

The delivery of 1,272 billion litres of Commonwealth environmental water in 2012-13 has boosted water quality, species habitats and wetland management. “Delivering environmental outcomes in a working basin requires careful management, local knowledge and a strong strategy to keep the basin healthy”, said Senator Simon Birmingham, Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment. “Across the Basin water…