Speech: Emmaus College Opening

SIMON BIRMINGHAM: It is a real pleasure to be able to be with you all for this celebration of the new facilities within your school which, of course, provides a real opportunity to celebrate all that enlivens your school and all that your school achieves and gives to you as students who pass through here and…

Speech: Address to the launch of the Academy of Science’s Decadel Plan for Mathematical Sciences

Unidentified Speaker: Thank you Minister Andrews for that exposition of the importance athletics for the future of Australia. It gives me now great pleasure to introduce the Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham. I think I speak for everyone in this room, and I express my excitement in acknowledging the new focus on science,…

Address to the Independent Schools Council of Australia & Assoc of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia National Education Forum

E&OE TRANSCRIPT Address to the Independent Schools Council of Australia (ISCA) & Assoc of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA) National Education Forum – Schools education policy, state and territory schools funding and the role of the independent school sector 15/03/2016 Simon Birmingham: Thank you, thank you so very much for that welcome. Ladies…