The third of eight face-to-face consultations about the future of Vocational Education and Training (VET) is being held in Darwin today. Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, will be joined by Natasha Griggs, Member for Solomon for today’s round of consultations. “Our government is embarking upon an ambitious program of VET reform…


Applications open for new $476 million skills fund

Australian businesses can now apply for support to boost the skills of their workforce under the Abbott Government’s new $476 million Industry Skills Fund.  Assistant Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said the Fund, which will provide up to 200,000 training places and skills advice for businesses over the next four years, was a…


SA businesses urged to apply for Industry Skills Fund

Australian businesses can now apply for support to boost the skills of their workforce under the Abbott Government’s new $476 million Industry Skills Fund.  “Businesses in South Australia, particularly those in South Australia’s manufacturing sector, will be able to take advantage of the Industry Skills Fund to upskill or retrain their employees,” said Senator Simon…


New National Training Complaints Hotline – 13 38 73

Vocational education and training (VET) students and employers now have a simple new complaints hotline to report rogue training providers. Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham said that while the vast majority of providers were doing the right thing, a minority were ripping off students, employers and taxpayers.            “Unfortunately we have seen…


Crack down on rogue training brokers

New standards to combat rogue training brokers and protect prospective students from unscrupulous marketing practices, come into force from today.  Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham said the Australian Government is taking decisive and coordinated action to stop the exploitation of students.  “Stories abound of people being stopped on the…


Victoria consulted on Vocational Education & Training

The Victorian training sector will be the first in the nation to have their say about the future of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in face-to-face consultations led by the new Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, in Melbourne today. “Our government is embarking upon an ambitious program of VET reform to lift the quality of…
