Correcting Labor’s lies on schools

Labor’s Education Spokesperson has this morning once again shown herself to be more focused on playing politics and scaremongering than engaging in constructive conversation about how we help our students and schools so we can help Australian students get the most out of their education. “It’s only the Federal Education Minister that’s saying that money…


Plibersek’s politicking while student results stalling

As Australian families, educators and policymakers reflect on the recent national and international reports on our students’ literacy, numeracy and science skills and wonder why the conversation about schools cannot make progress, they need look no further than the pure politicking and opportunism on display today by the Labor Party.  The re-branding of Labor’s election…


Plibersek full of contradictions on schools

After sitting on the sidelines for months since her appointment as Labor’s Education spokesperson, Tanya Plibersek has finally decided to insert herself into the national conversation about how to improve student outcomes and has embarrassingly contradicted herself in a series of interviews on key portfolio topics.   Just this morning the Shadow Education spokesperson lauded…


National Awards for University Teachers 2016

An innovative approach to teaching STEM subjects saw Flinders University lecturer Associate Professor Karen Burke da Silva take top honours at the Australian Awards for University Teaching tonight in Canberra. Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said the Awards recognise university teachers who are constantly seeking out ways to build on success, improve their…


Stronger vocational education system delivered

The Turnbull Government’s legislation to rebuild vocational education and training has passed the Parliament, delivering a system that students and taxpayers can trust and ending the rip-offs and rorts that plagued Labor’s failed VET FEE-HELP scheme. Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said the new VET Student Loans program would begin from 1 January…


Reforms to turnaround maths, science decline

A new international report has again highlighted the importance of reforms to lift the performance of Australian schools in maths and science. Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) shows Australia has fallen by as much as 10 places as measured against students in other…


Young Historian of the Year 2016

An outstanding essay about Aboriginal artist Albert Namatjira has delivered New South Wales student Rachel Wang the prestigious 2016 National Young Historian of the Year Award. Minister for Education and Training, Simon Birmingham, presented the Year 9 MLC School, Burwood student with $1000 and a plaque at the National History Challenge awards ceremony at Parliament…
