Green Loans assessor rallies show Government mess remains

  Today’s rallies by Green Loans home sustainability assessors around Australia highlight the Rudd Government’s ongoing failure to fix the problems arising from its appalling mismanagement, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Action Simon Birmingham said today.   Rallies are taking place in Sydney outside Kirribilli House from 9am, in Brisbane at South Brisbane Station from…


Labor cavalier to impending SA mining jobs disaster

  South Australia’s only Cabinet Minister, Penny Wong, has today demonstrated the Rudd Labor Government’s cavalier approach to the impact its new tax on mining would have on South Australian mining industry jobs, Senator Simon Birmingham said today.   It follows this morning’s release of a damning report by independent analyst Morgan Stanley.   “Morgan…


Wong must act on her Menindee shame

  In light of the latest revelations of waste and mismanagement in the Menindee Lakes system, I call on Water Minister Penny Wong to end the farcical secrecy over the Lakes’ management and future infrastructure upgrades.   I urge the Minister to undertake the following:   1)    Establish a public inquiry into the incorrect forecasting…


Victorian Water Savings a Pipe Dream

  Environment Protection Minister Peter Garrett must guarantee there will be no weakening of conditions required for operation of Victoria’s controversial Sugarloaf or ‘North-South’ Pipeline, Coalition Murray Darling spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   It follows Victoria’s Acting Auditor-General today slamming the Brumby Government’s decision to proceed with several major programs, stating the Government’s water…


Wong misleads over ETS dumping

  Climate Change Minister Penny Wong should explain misleading comments made before a Senate committee last month over the Rudd Government’s dumping of its emissions trading scheme (ETS), Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Action Simon Birmingham said today.   It follows Environment Protection Minister Peter Garrett’s weekend revelation the decision was made by Labor’s gang…


Garrett gaffe blows Government’s secrecy case

  Peter Garrett has today undermined his own Government’s arguments in support of keeping a fourth letter on their disastrous Home Insulation Program secret.   Having decided to declassify and this week release three letters from Mr Garrett to the Prime Minister, as well as three replies, Cabinet Secretary Joe Ludwig outlined his Government’s rationale:…
