Barry Wakelin OAM

It is with sadness that I acknowledge the life and contribution of Barry Wakelin, former Member for Grey, from March 1993 until November 2007.   Barry was a farmer, most at home on the land, who historically won Grey off of the Labor Party in 1993, going on to be re-elected on four subsequent occasions.…


Labor falling behind in the fight against terrorism

16 December 2023 The Albanese Labor Government continues leave Australia lagging behind our allies after failing to apply important sanctions against the terrorist organisation Hamas. Since the horrific atrocities of 7 October by Hamas against Israel, many countries have swiftly and aptly applied successive rounds of sanctions and frozen assets of individuals or companies affiliated…


Not over the line but it’s a start

Joint media release: The Hon Angus Taylor MP, Shadow Treasurer The Hon Kevin Hogan MP, Shadow Minister for Trade and Tourism 15 December 2023 The Coalition today acknowledges the unjustifiably belated decision by the Albanese Government to begin negotiations for a tax treaty with Ukraine. After six months the Labor Government has now backflipped after…



Despite initially stating its support for Israel’s right to self-defence the Albanese Government keeps changing Australia’s stance and undermining Israel’s position.   The weakening of Australia’s position demonstrates a weakness in the Albanese Government, who aren’t standing firm in support of Hamas’s removal at the very time Israel needs that support most.   In a…


Australia’s Ambassador to Ukraine

The Coalition welcomes today’s announcement of a number of important diplomatic appointments, including Australia’s next Ambassador to Ukraine.   Mr Paul Lehmann brings extensive experience as a senior diplomatic representative of Australia, including experience in challenging postings.   A striking gap in today’s announcement was the complete silence in Minister Wong’s statement on the question…


Human Rights Day 75th Anniversary

Human Rights Day marks one of the world’s most groundbreaking global pledges, on 10 December 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and today we mark its 75th anniversary.   This anniversary of Human Rights Day holds particular significance at a time when conflict and political instability is occurring…


Albanese has failed to act

The Albanese Government has missed a key opportunity today to remove the stain on Australia and help restore our reputation as a safe and welcoming place for Jewish peoples. Disappointingly Prime Minister Albanese has again failed to urgently address the rise of antisemitic behaviour and the safety of Israeli and Jewish communities in Australia. Following…
