Big fence delivers Victoria’s Glenelg River national prize

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment Simon Birmingham has congratulated the Glenelg River project on winning the 2013 Australian Riverprize.   Senator Birmingham presented the prize to the Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority at the 16th International Riversymposium in Brisbane.   “In undertaking this project farming families in the Glenelg River Basin, south…


Parliamentary Secretary appointment

I look forward to serving as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment in the new Coalition Government and am delighted to be taking on particular responsibilities for water.   Implementation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan in a way that delivers for the environment while preserving the status of the Murray-Darling as Australia’s major…


Labor lies now turn to Murray-Darling Basin

Labor’s desperate campaign of lies has now turned to the Murray-Darling Basin.   Nothing could be further from the truth than hysterical Labor claims that the Basin Plan has been “trashed today”.   If elected, the Coalition will deliver every drop of water required to implement the Basin Plan on time, by 2019.  This is…


Coalition’s Northern Adelaide solar town project

  A Federal Coalition Government, if elected, will commit $300,000 to a Northern Adelaide solar town project, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   Senator Birmingham said the Coalition would allocate a total of $300,000 intended for organisations within the Cities of Playford and Salisbury, following representations from Liberal candidates Tom…


Pyne-Birmingham-Williams – Liberals deliver for Glenelg foreshore redevelopment

  Liberal Candidate for Hindmarsh Matt Williams announced today that an incoming Coalition Government will deliver $500,000 towards the Glenelg Foreshore redevelopment.   “Our funding commitment means that the ‘Activating Glenelg Foreshore’ project will go ahead if the Coalition is elected on Saturday,” Mr Williams said.   The project, which would be jointly funded with…


Henbury sale highlights multi-million dollar Labor waste

  Labor’s wasteful spending of taxpayers’ money is further highlighted by the sale of a Northern Territory property once intended for a carbon farming demonstration project, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   The location of the planned but ill-defined Henbury Conservation Project – Henbury Station – is reportedly being placed…
