New data supports focus on student choice and VET quality

New data on vocational education and training (VET) enrolments supports the Australian Government’s reforms to lift the quality of all vocational education and training (VET) providers and support greater student choice. Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham said the Government-funded students and courses 2014 report, released today by the National…


Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Tonight at a reception celebrating National TAFE Day an unexpected election announcement by Shadow Minister Sharon Bird showed that Labor has no idea where they stand. 12 months ago, on the last National TAFE Day, Mr Shorten said “And I have asked our Shadow Minister for Vocational Education Sharon Bird to work with all of…


Withdrawal fees banned for courses

The Government has today announced a ban on withdrawal fees that will make it easier for students to withdraw from courses that they have been inappropriately signed up to. Assistant Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham said this new measure will further protect students, taxpayers and the reputation of the vocational education and…


Reduced Financial Burden on Registered Training Organisations

In a further bid to strengthen the vocational education and training (VET) sector, the Coalition has confirmed additional funding to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).  Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, said the additional funding to ASQA will help bolster the Authority’s regulatory powers and remove excessive paperwork and red tape…


Support for our Apprentices

The Coalition Government is committed to supporting the jobs and skills needed to grow and diversify the Australian economy. Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, said the Government was investing around $6 billion this year to support people undertaking vocational education and training (VET), including more than 300,000 apprentices. “One of our…


ISF Skills Adviser Network announced

The six organisations that will make up the new Industry Skills Fund Skills Adviser Network have been announced today. Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, said the Industry Skills Fund (ISF) Skills Adviser Network will invest $43 million over the next three years to provide intensive support to businesses that are looking…


Feds spending more than ever on SA

South Australian families and employers have been waiting to see if today’s State Budget delivers real plans to tackle the jobs crisis in our state.  With the highest unemployment in the nation, PremierJay Weatherill and Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis must change tack from the last year. They need to admit SA has a problem, accept their…


New International Student Visa Framework a win for VET

Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, has welcomed today’s announcement of a new, simplified international student visa framework (SSVF) to support Australia’s international education sector. “The decision to simplify the international student visa framework is good news for our economy, our local communities and jobs and the vocational education and training (VET)…


Strong Training Sector Needed

SA needs a strong and stable training sector if we are to build the sort of skilled workforce which is capable of tackling challenges and opportunities as they arise in years to come. When public and private training  providers are allowed to compete on a level playing field, students have real choice in deciding which institution suits their needs best, based on quality,speciality and…
