Carbon tax ‘budget neutral’ promise: Government retreats

  The Gillard Government’s Leader in the Senate has today refused to confirm its commitment to budget neutrality for its planned carbon tax, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   “The Government’s shelved ‘Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme’ (CPRS) was forecast to run at an annual deficit of up to $1.6 billion[1],”…


Joyce-Birmingham – Delay continues for Murray-Darling

  Last night’s budget confirms that the Government’s commitment to real change in the Murray-Darling Basin is lukewarm at best said Senator Barnaby Joyce and Senator Simon Birmingham today. “It’s now almost 3 years since Labor launched its Water for the Future reform. Since then its record has been nothing but delay and disaster. “Last…


Petrol in firing line under carbon tax magic pudding

  Labor is making so many promises about its carbon tax that there is almost no alternative but for petrol prices to skyrocket, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   It follows commitments made about the carbon tax, including assistance based on Labor’s shelved 2009 ‘Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme’ (CPRS) package.…


Insulation saga a sorry tale with very high price

  Labor’s home insulation scheme leaves a sorry tale of destruction and a million homeowners still in the dark.    Four installers working on the program died, around 200 house fires are known to have occurred, many businesses have been destroyed, significant numbers of jobs lost and approaching $1.7 billion in taxpayer funds have been…


Today’s the day for details from Carbon Tax Committee

  Today’s meeting of the Multi-Party Climate Change Committee should end the uncertainty surrounding Labor’s carbon tax by revealing its true cost, according to Acting Shadow Minister for Climate Action Simon Birmingham. “After months of uncertainty this committee should bring some clarity to the debate by today naming the starting rate of the carbon tax…
