Be heard on Basin Plan

  The Coalition’s Murray-Darling Basin spokesman, Simon Birmingham, is urging South Australians to make their voices heard on the draft Basin Plan.   A public meeting in Renmark this afternoon is the last such meeting scheduled in South Australia by the Murray-Darling Basin Authority before formal consultation ends next month on the proposed Basin Plan…


Why does the PM lack an opinion on Murray court action?

  Australians deserve to know what the Prime Minister thinks about South Australia’s threatened High Court action over the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, Coalition Basin spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   Visiting Adelaide, Julia Gillard has today offered only platitudes about understanding South Australia’s frustration at being at the end of the river system and being…


Taxpayers still owed millions over home insulation

  Taxpayers are still millions of dollars out of pocket from dodgy activities under Labor’s disastrous $2.5 billion Home Insulation Program, linked to at least four deaths and more than 200 house fires.   The extent of outstanding payments still being sought was detailed by Climate Change departmental officials in a Senate Estimates hearing under…


Senate remembers contribution of late Senator

  The Senate has today paid tribute to the late Senator Jeannie Ferris and urged all Australians to support this month’s Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.   A motion* from South Australian Coalition Senators and the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Status of Women, passed unanimously by the Senate this afternoon, highlights Ms Ferris’s work in…


Wong warns Weatherill on water – wise and welcome

  Former federal Water Minister Penny Wong’s warning today to South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill over Murray-Darling Basin reform has been welcomed by the Coalition’s Basin spokesman, Simon Birmingham.   Asked about Mr Weatherill’s threats of a High Court challenge to a final Basin Plan, Senator Wong delivered a clear warning to Mr Weatherill and…
