One year but little action on Xinjiang report

Joint media release: Senator Claire Chandler, Shadow Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs   31 August 2023   Today marks one year since the significant report by the United Nations Human Rights Office found human rights violations, including possible crimes against humanity, have been committed against Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in the Xinjiang region of…


Detention of Cheng Lei

This Sunday is the third anniversary of Cheng Lei’s detention in China. Cheng Lei’s message to Australians, being reported week, is both touching in its poignancy, but heartbreaking in the cruelty it exposes and reinforces, yet again, why her detention should end. Anniversaries such as this are another opportunity to highlight the plight of Ms…


Statement on International Development Policy

Joint media release: The Hon Michael McCormack MP, Shadow Minister for International Development and the Pacific   The Coalition welcomes the release of Australia’s new International Development Policy. The policy sets an important marker to identify and direct support to the key challenges facing Australia and our friends and partners in the Pacific and across…


Labor’s factions force another about-face on Israel

One week out from its National Conference, it’s clear Labor’s factions have forced the Albanese Government into another about-face in relation to Australia’s policies on Israel and the Palestinian territories.   Labor’s back-room decisions on Israel and the Palestinian territories have everything to do with managing factional differences ahead of the Labor National Conference and…


Statement on additional Bushmasters to Ukraine

The Hon Andrew Hastie MP, Shadow Minister for Defence Senator James Paterson, Acting Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs The Opposition welcomes the government’s announcement of further support to Ukraine in the form of 30 additional Bushmaster vehicles. For some time, the Opposition has been calling on the government to provide additional Bushmasters to Ukraine, which…
