Gillard continues to ignore Murray

  Julia Gillard continues to treat the plight of the River Murray with contempt, failing to mention it once despite a tediously long campaign launch speech today, Senator Simon Birmingham said today.   “It beggars belief that someone standing for the position of Prime Minister could fail to mention the issues facing the Murray-Darling Basin…


Coalition strikes the right balance on Murray Darling

  The Coalition’s real action to safeguard the future of the Murray-Darling Basin has struck the right balance, winning positive responses from both irrigators and environmental campaigners, Coalition Murray Darling Basin spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   “… the Coalition has raised the bar by committing to ensuring balance in the new Basin Plan ……


Green Army Plan for Torrens Linear Park

  Restoration of a section of the River Torrens Linear Park will become one of the first Green Army projects to be supported in Australia, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Action Simon Birmingham announced today.   Senator Birmingham and Liberal candidate for Hindmarsh, Jassmine Wood, said that if a Coalition Government is elected, an area…


Debate challenge a stunt, but you’re on!

  The Coalition’s Murray-Darling Basin spokesman has today indicated he is willing to debate his Labor counterpart any time and anywhere on the future of the Murray Darling Basin.   Senator Simon Birmingham was today responding to Penny Wong’s desperate attempt to divert attention from her Government’s inaction: “… I am laying down a challenge…


Wong promises more of the same

  Penny Wong has today confessed that after three years of failure and missed opportunities for the Murray Darling Basin another term in office for Labor would mean more of the same, Coalition Basin spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   “I can tell you what a re-elected Gillard Government will do – we will continue…


Wong debate hypocrisy

  Penny Wong has resorted to desperate stunts to divert attention from her Government’s lack of attention to the plight of the Murray-Darling Basin, Coalition Basin spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   “… I am laying down a challenge to Barnaby Joyce: Barnaby, release your water policy and come here to Adelaide and debate me…
