Australia’s largest school poetry competition opens

Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham said entries were now open for the 2016 Dorothea Mackellar Poetry Awards, Australia’s oldest and largest poetry competition for school aged children. “The Dorothea Mackellar Awards are a great opportunity for students to express themselves through poetry and to explore a form of creativity and writing that can…


College coders honoured in Cyber Security Challenge

Twelve top college coders have “raised the bar” for other young Australians according to the Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham, as demand for cyber security skills booms. Minister Birmingham said that along with the Turnbull Government’s National Innovation and Science Agenda, the Cyber Security Challenge promoted a greater focus on science, technology, engineering…


Universal access to early education for all Australian children

All states and territories have signed up to the Turnbull Government’s National Partnership Agreement on Universal Access to Early Childhood Education, unlocking $840 million in federal funding for quality preschool programmes across the country. Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham said the National Partnership guarantees funding for 600 hours of quality preschool and…


Xenophon courting the ‘Hanson vote’

“Revelations in The Australian today that one of Senator Nick Xenophon’s federal candidates has aligned herself with a group that has strong links to Pauline Hanson pose some serious questions for the candidate, Ms Sharkie, and Senator Xenophon. “The Food Producers Land Owners Action Group (FLAG) has actively promoted Pauline Hanson and hosted at least…


Shorten confirms Labor and the AEU ‘one-and-the-same’

Bill Shorten today confirmed the Australian Education Union is simply a mouthpiece for the Australian Labor Party, claiming apparently ‘independent’ AEU research as his own Shadow Education Minister’s. “So what Kate’s research underlines is that there isn’t enough money being invested in our school kids.” – Bill Shorten, Press Conference, 15/02/2016 ‘Kate’s research’ actually refers…


Labor’s child care delays hurt families

Labor has confirmed they will continue to block the Jobs for Families child care package by opposing required savings measures, while revealing they will blow out their almost $50 billion budget black hole by promising amendments.   “Any changes, amendments or expansion of the child care reforms need to be paid for,” Minister Birmingham said.…


New member, directions for Higher Education Standards Panel

A leading science and technology advocate will join the Higher Education Standards Panel, strengthening its capacity to advise on issues relating to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.  Minister for Education and Training Senator Simon Birmingham has reappointed the Chair and members of the Higher Education Standards Panel for a further two year period,…


New initiatives in schools to safeguard our youth

Teachers, students and parents will receive more support to recognise the warning signs of radicalisation and provide appropriate support to at-risk youth in their school communities.  The new measures follow the Review of Initiatives Supporting Youth at Risk of Radicalisation commissioned in May 2015 and the Government’s commitment to provide additional support to schools, families,…


STEM head start for 350,000 pre-schoolers

The Turnbull Government is equipping Australian children with the skills in maths and science for the jobs of tomorrow through a $14 million investment as part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda.  Today we announced $4 million each for the Little Scientists and Let’s Count training programs to inspire Australia’s next Howard Florey or…
