500 days of herosim from Ukraine

Joint media release: The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Leader of the Opposition Sen James Paterson, Acting Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs The Hon Andrew Hastie MP, Shadow Minister for Defence   Today marks 500 days of courage and heroism by Ukraine to defend their sovereignty in the face of the illegal and immoral invasion launched…


Statement on use of national security laws against Australians

Senator James Paterson, Acting Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs   The Coalition is gravely concerned at reports that Hong Kong police have issued arrest warrants and HK$1 million “bounties” for Australian citizen Kevin Yam and Australian resident Ted Hui. This represents an unacceptable attempt to silence and intimidate critics of the Chinese government living in…


An opportunity to maintain bipartisanship on Ukraine

Joint media release: Senator Claire Chandler, Assistant Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs   The Opposition will today bring an urgency motion to the Senate calling on the Albanese Labor Government to deliver a further package of assistance to Ukraine. We urge all parties to support this motion to maintain Australia’s strong and bipartisan support for…


Labor Government failing Ukraine

Joint media release: The Hon Andrew Hastie MP, Shadow Minister for Defence The Albanese Government must explain why they are delaying the delivery of further assistance to Ukraine, despite urgent calls for support. It is deeply concerning that no new or additional funding for Ukraine was included in Labor’s May Budget in support of their…


Statement on the public attribution of malicious cyber activity by People’s Republic of China

Joint media release: Senator James Paterson, Shadow Minister for Homes Affairs, Shadow Minister for Cyber Security   The Australian Government’s decision to join with our Five Eyes partners to publicly attribute malicious cyber activity to the People’s Republic of China is welcome.   The advisory, issued this morning by the Australian Cyber Security Centre, has…


Childish Government contempt for Senate practice

The Albanese Government has shown complete contempt and childish behaviour in what can only be described as a total lack of respect for the Senate practice of Questions on Notice. Today the Senate compelled the Government to explain why the Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, Bill Shorten, has submitted a number of answers…


Statement on Ms Cheng Lei

Joint media statement: The Hon Peter Dutton MP, Leader of the Opposition   It is time the Chinese Government brought closure to the case of Australian citizen Ms Cheng Lei and released her from detention. Today marks 1,000 days since Ms Cheng was unjustly detained in China in August 2020. Ms Cheng has been held…
