First Australian Industry and Skills Committee meeting held

The newly established Australian Industry and Skills Committee (AISC) will hold their inaugural meeting in Melbourne today. Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, will attend today’s meeting and said the Committee is to play a vital role in the Australian Government’s new vocational education and training (VET) model. “This meeting is an…


Labor’s continued failure to Apprentices

The Government is investing around $6 billion this year to support people undertaking vocational education and training (VET), including more than 300,000 apprentices. Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, said Ms Bird and her Labor colleagues had got it wrong accusing the Abbott Government of squibbing young apprentices.  “At the same time…


The Training Ball is in Your Court Jay

I returned home from Canberra today to do what Jay Weatherill has failed to do – listen to students, employers and training providers about South Australian Labor’s flawed new training model, WorkReady. This model has been universally criticised as stripping students and employers of effective choice in accessing high quality, value for money training. Sectors…


Increasing skills links with India

Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, today met with the Indian Government Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy, to discuss skills priorities for both countries. “Today’s meeting has helped build our bilateral skills relationship with India so we can seize emerging opportunities in both our countries,” Senator Birmingham…


Weatherill and Gago have questions to answer on WorkReady

Labor’s new skills and employment policy, WorkReady, appears to reduce the opportunity for both students and employers to choose the provider they wish to use whilst still attracting a subsidy for training. Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, said students and employers should be empowered and supported to access the most relevant,…


Government committed to training and apprenticeships

Data released today by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) underscores the importance of the Australian Government’s significant reforms to support for apprentices and their employers. The Apprentices and trainees 2014 December quarter report shows that the decline in the number of people in training that started under Labor in 2012, has continued,…


First Global Skills Training Forum held in Melbourne

Three Global Skills Training Forums will continue to ensure Australia’s vocational education and training (VET) system has every opportunity to contribute to the National Strategy for International Education. Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, was in Melbourne today for the first of three Global Skills Training Forums. Senator Birmingham said Australia is…


Weatherill Backflip Exposes Fraudulent Campaign

The State Labor Government has performed a clear backflip today and is treating South Australians like mugs by pretending to provide a “new” pensioner concession in an embarrassing face saving exercise. The truth is this is the pensioner concession for council rates by another name, and this move has exposed their multimillion dollar scare campaign…


Mobility Grants Open up a World of Study Opportunities

Australian vocational education and training (VET) students have the chance to pick up valuable new skills through exciting overseas study opportunities in 2016. Assistant Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham, said the 2016 Endeavour Mobility Grants will provide around $8.3 million to support at least 2500 Australian VET, undergraduate and postgraduate students in…
