Joyce-Birmingham – Labor condemned by its hand

  The Coalition welcomes the released report of the House of Representatives inquiry into the impact of the Guide to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan as a way of getting Labor’s shambolic Murray-Darling process back on track, said Senator Joyce and Senator Birmingham today.   “The Committee’s report clearly spelled out that the current Labor Government’s…


Joyce-Birmingham – Labor delays let down everyone

  Labor’s complete mismanagement of the Murray-Darling process has seen reform delayed another five years said Senator Joyce and Senator Birmingham today. It was over four years ago that John Howard announced that the Commonwealth would fix the health of the Murray-Darling. Labor has mismanaged and dragged their feet on this opportunity.   “State governments…


Time ticking for Kevin’s TV contract

  Less than two weeks before contract negotiations are supposed to have been concluded for providing Australia’s international TV service, it’s been revealed negotiations are yet to begin, Senator Simon Birmingham said today.   The ABC’s current five-year Australia Network contract worth about $20 million per annum with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade…


Conroy unable to receive email – huh?

  Communications Minister Stephen Conroy, representing the Minister for Water, has refused to allow officials from the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) to provide a copy of a contentious email to a Senate Estimates hearing in Canberra today.   Peter Cosier from the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists emailed his resignation from a position on the…


Greens extraordinary Estimates lack of interest

  The Australian Greens yesterday abandoned any pretence of not sharing power in a Labor-Greens Government or that they care about climate change or both, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   It follows an extraordinary and unprecedented virtual ‘no show’ from the five Greens Senators for a key Parliamentary scrutiny…


If you can’t take the heat, get into the kitchen!

  People wanting to know more about climate change should dust off their best crockery and polish their cutlery, Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Simon Birmingham said today.   It follows revelations in Senate Budget Estimates late yesterday that ‘kitchen table discussions’ are to be held as part of a $6 million program of…


Government too late removing Murray regulators

  The removal of regulators in the Goolwa Channel in the lower reaches of the River Murray has long been overdue, Coalition Murray-Darling Basin spokesman Simon Birmingham said today.   It follows today’s announcement of $9 million in federal funding for their removal.   “These regulators were supposed to have softened the impact of drought…
