What is Bill Shorten’s problem with retirees?

Bill Shorten misled the listeners of Jonesy and Amanda twice in his radio interview this morning about how Labor will hit Australia’s retirees with higher taxes. When asked “will that money be coming from self-funded retirees?” Mr Shorten first said: “No …  the income that people get in retirement from their dividends or their shares…


Bowen caught short on the details

A week after Labor announced its unprecedented intervention into the wages market Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen still couldn’t tell Australians how many child care workers would be affected. When pushed on how many of the 195,000 workers would miss out Mr Bowen squibbed on a response at the National Press Club today.      …


Shorten yet to explain why he stood by Luke Creasey

Bill Shorten today confirmed that he was aware of Luke Creasey’s social media post about disbelieving rape victims at the time he held a press conference standing by his candidate for Melbourne. As Emily Maguire from the Domestic Violence Resource Centre said this week: “Many women who are sexually assaulted don’t report it to police,…


Bill Shorten’s double standards

Bill Shorten is failing to apply the standards he demands of others by refusing to disendorse his candidate for the seat of Melbourne, Luke Creasey. Mr Creasey’s offensive social media posts have demonstrated that he is completely unfit to hold public office with his actions  described by White Ribbon as “abusive, hateful and disrespectful.” Chief…


Bill comes up short on the detail again

Bill Shorten has shown yet again he is just making it up as he goes along when it comes to his policies. Today the Leader of the Opposition claimed that 140,000 child care workers would benefit from his policy even though there are 195,000 of them across the country. But the 140,000 workers referenced by…


The answer is $387 billion in higher taxes

In Bill Shorten’s latest attempt to explain the details and cost of his tax policies he’s now passed the buck and told Australians to simply work it out for themselves. “…in terms of taxation policies, you can do the maths yourself.” Bill Shorten, Doorstop, 1 May 2019 The facts are clear. A Labor Government would…
