Australian company raises the bar for digital data management

Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham Minister for Finance Leader of the Government in the Senate The Hon Stuart Robert MP Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business   The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) will modernise and streamline their services following the purchase of the software Records365 from Australian company RecordPoint.   The upgrade…


Government’s legislative agenda continues to deliver for all Australians

The Morrison Government has passed important legislation through the Parliament this sitting fortnight that will support Australians impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, create more jobs, keep Australians safe, back our farmers, improve our superannuation system and reduce red tape.   As part of our ongoing economic support for Australians, arrangements around the COVID-19 disaster payment…


Terminal contract awarded for Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport

THE HON PAUL FLETCHER MP Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts   SENATOR THE HON SIMON BIRMINGHAM Minister for Finance The contract for the construction of the terminal at Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport has been awarded to Multiplex Construction Pty Ltd. Multiplex is an established global construction company that has…


Release of the Foster Report

The Government has today released the consultation report provided by Stephanie Foster PSM into the processes and procedures relating to serious incidents in the parliamentary workplace. This report has made some significant findings and recommendations to improve how serious incidents are prevented and dealt with in the parliamentary workplace. For example, the report identified that…


Inland Rail to save $170 million annually in transport costs

Shifting to Inland Rail could save Australian producers, manufacturers and growers approximately $170 million in transport costs each year according to early results of a CSIRO supply chain analysis.   Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack welcomed the early release of findings from the CSIRO Inland Rail Supply…


South Australian road projects in the fast lane

Roads throughout South Australia are being made better and safer for all road users with more than $680 million worth of projects getting underway since January supporting thousands of jobs. Projects started this year alone, funded by the Australian and South Australian Governments, are improving more than 1,500km of roads and supporting about 2,500 jobs.…


Federal Budget supports South Australia’s Recovery Plan

The Hon. Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister  The Hon. Michael McCormack MP Deputy Prime Minister Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development The Hon. Paul Fletcher MP Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts   South Australia continues to benefit from the Liberal and Nationals Government’s record infrastructure investment, with funding for major…


The Hon Warren Truss AC reappointed Chair of the Australian Rail Track Corporation

The Government has reappointed former Deputy Prime Minister the Hon Warren Truss AC as Chair of the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC). The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development, Michael McCormack, said that Mr Truss’s wealth of knowledge in governance, freight and regional Australia continues to make him a valuable asset to the ARTC…
